Bailey & Birch meet with all of the necessary criteria, possess the latest approved light testing equipment and have experienced test engineers for carrying out FA Approved Football pitch Lighting Surveys and have the correct certificates for submissions. Please feel free to call us for more information regarding football ground or indeed any other form of flood lighting requirements.

National ground grading membership criteria regulation 8 part 2 requires;
For Seasons 2011 through to 2014 a grounds floodlighting must be provided to an average minimum lux reading of at least the following levels: For Leagues 1 & 2 it’s 350 lux , Championship League 500 lux and to achieve the best level for Digital TV coverage 800 lux will be required. No single reading can be less·than the following: For leagues 1 & 2 it’s 210 lux , Championship 300 lux or less than one quarter of the highest reading obtained so as to ensure an even spread of light. These levels will increase for 2014 seasons onwards.
The readings shall be obtained by the lighting engineer·on a grid formation of 88 markings (8 across and 10 down) evenly spaced with the outside·readings falling on the pitch boundary line. The average of all the readings is taken to be the average·illumination level in lux of the floodlighting installation. The instrument used is an approved and calibrated light level and spread meter with tracable fixed datum. The meter has to be mounted upon a lighting assembly board at a predetermined height from the pitch level. The lux values must be tested every two years in accordance with current guidelines by an approved·independent neutral contractor. Floodlights must be retested after any significant alterations. Existing·certification will be accepted provided that the test was carried out within the last two years unless·work has been carried out at the ground which may have affected the previous readings. When applying for a higher grading, the certificate should have been issued no more than six months·prior to application.
An “FA approved” contractor is one which has proven experience with FA Flood Light Surveying, is in possession of the NICEIC (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting) Approved Contractors Awarded FULL OPEN APPROVAL. The Contractor must, when detailing the lux values, give confirmation in writing of the date when the illumination test equipment was last calibrated.Further information: -The Football League minimum average lux value for League Division Two is 350 Lux. A new club entering League Division Two must comply with the minimum floodlighting requirements by 1stMay in the first season from the date of its admission.
The Football League shall require a test certificate and chart to be submitted every two years. Any Club which fails to deliver a test certificate as required shall be guilty of misconduct. In addition to any penalties imposed, The League may arrange to have an inspection carried out and the cost of the inspection shall be borne by the Club.
1.4 Clubs promoted into The Championship shall have until the 31st May in the first season from the date of promotion to meet the minimum floodlighting requirements for The Championship clubs